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Checkpoint: Aysegül Sirakaya – Exploiting Nature Exploits Lives
6 april, 2023, 11:30 - 12:15

Vi är stolta att välkomna Aysegul Sirakaya, forskare vid juridiska fakulteten på Lunds Universitet. Föreläsningen streamas live på Rackstadmuseet med möjlighet till frågor från publiken. Sirakaya har följt de globala förhandlingarna kring miljöfrågor och här presenterar hon den senaste utvecklingen och utmaningarna. Föreläsningen görs på Engelska.
”December 2022 was the month of global biodiversity negotiations. All United Nations Member States gathered in Montreal, Canada, to discuss the underdog of environmental issues, which also happens to be at its alarming stages. The global biodiversity crisis gets nowhere near as much attention as the climate change, even though these two are very much interconnected. Biodiversity loss accelerates climate change, and vice versa.
Biodiversity provides our food, medicines, and many other products ranging from cosmetics to tires of our cars. It provides our most basic and essential needs. Then why is biodiversity crisis not discussed in general public? Why is it so difficult to agree to a plan to halt biodiversity loss? This lecture will provide insights to the global dynamics that shapes who gets resources and who has to provide them. It will discuss the global system of accumulating natural resources at the expense of biodiversity and human rights. It will also discuss what we can do to provide a fair and equitable living world for our future generations.”
Arrangemanget genomförs i samarbete med Lunds universitet.
Pris: Ordinarie entrépriser gäller, gratis för medlemmar.
Luncherbjudande: Sopplunch på Café Elis inklusive entré 160 kr, 80 kr för medlemmar.
Med reservation för ändringar.